Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm a Halloween Humbug!

I just want to put this out there- I HATE HALLOWEEN!!!! I think it's a waste of time, energy and most of all money! It is an unnecessary frustration that I think just needs to be eliminated! Anyways, just had to vent for a minute!


  1. I feel your pain! I also do not like the loads of sugar they get. To top it off our ward had a trunk or treat last week. After being mad for awhile I just told our kids we weren't participating--that after the party part we were going home. And we did. They took it pretty well but it helped that we watched a movie and had hot chocolate and apple cider when we got home.

  2. I SOOOOO agree! I also would like to add to your list that I hate how my kids get scared when we go into stores, and they have all that spooky crap everywhere.

  3. Are you serious? How can you hate the one time you get to dress up like someone else? I mean, aren't you just dying to dress up like a dirty ho? No, I completely agree with you, not a fan at ALL!!! But, at least you made some cute 50's skirts for our little girls. Madison loves hers and she looks so freakin' cute! THANK YOU!!! Whatcha makin' up next year?

  4. I can't wait to see the little girls in their cute outfits- Bonnie said they were WAY cute! I would have to agree with you and Bonnie - I'm not a huge Halloween fan either. :) Thanksgiving is around the corner- and that's always good times though! Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!

  5. Tell us what you really think!!!! I can't believe how open you were about that!!! I dare you to do it again!!!

  6. Amen to that. We send our kids to beg for candy only to hide it from them for the next month. Plus, we have to buy candy to give out to other kids begging for candy. I could do without this holiday.

  7. Oh how terribly sad! I LOVE Halloween! It's the time when a kid can be ANYTHING he wants to be, if only for a day! You want to be President? Well today's your day kid!! (Though I wouldn't recommend showing up to the Ward Trunk or Treat in black-face. Hmmmm.) Halloween's the best! You can be a rock star, or a movie star, or a porn star. OK maybe not that last one. At least not at Trunk or Treat. Ha! AND THERE'S CANDY! How much better can it get?!?!? Playing dress up for the world to see and getting snacks for doing it!! Clearly you people have not found the true spirit of THIS Fabulous Holiday Season. HUM-BUG!
