Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I know Heather is the blogger in our family but right now, she's not here and I am. I am so happy to announce the arrival of our newest addition, Makayla Jo McInnes. She was born on November 17, 2009 at 7:19 p.m. Both Heather and Makayla are doing so well. Makayla slept ok last night. She was woken up by the nurses around two and couldn't fall to sleep so she cuddled with me until we both dozed back off.

Makayla has a beautiful head full of black hair. She is very inquisitive and looks around a lot. I didn't bring the camera home with me only cell phone pictures but here they are.

Thanks to all for the calls and text messages! Thank you to Aunt Trini who was such a big help in the delivery room. Thanks for risking it to be there! We love you! Thank you also goes to Dr. Scott Barton for being so good to us and all of our children. You are an amazing man and someone we love to be associated with!

The love I have for my sweet Heather is overflowing right now. I am so well pleased with all the choices we have made to be together. I am so grateful to you, Heather, for bringing our children to this world. You are my best friend and the greatest support of my life and always have been. Thank you so much for bringing our sweet little Makayla Jo safely. I love you with all of my heart! Words and actions cannot express my gratitude today.


  1. HOW CUTE!!! Makayla Jo is such a cute name! love it! It made my night to get a text saying she made it!! I'm so excited for your family! SO cute that you called Lexi to tell her its a girl and she cried! That made me tear up! I'm here if you need anything! Can't wait to come see her! I hope Trini can be in the room with me too!! :)

  2. She is so beautfiul! Thanks for inviting us to come see her last night. Russ and I can't get over how tiny she is. We are so excited she is finally here! And I have loved that name since you chose it a bit ago :) I got the text right after Russ and I got out of the temple and we were just estatic you had a little girl! We are very excited to have a new little niece :) Thanks again for keeping us up to date all day yesterday. You have such an amazing family and I'm so excited to get to know little Makayla better :) Love you guys! And please let me know if you need ANYTHING AT ALL!

  3. CONGRATS! She's BEAUTIFUL! Glad all is going well!

  4. oh she is so cute!! just as you guys said, she looks just like Cam! I thin Makayla JO is the perfect name ;) Congrats you guys, that's awesome!

  5. So cute! Love her hair! Brenden is excited to not be the littlest anymore, although he has not been the "littlest" for quite awhile since Joanna had a runt named Hailee and I had a sumo name Brenden haha. Good work making a cute one!

  6. Awwww, Paul. That was cute!!! Congratulations!!!! We are so happy for you guys!!!

  7. I would love to say "call me if you need anything" but, I probably wouldn't be much help. Your little Makayla is such a cute little babe and I can't wait to get home and hold her for a bit. Congratulations to ya'll.

  8. Paul, what an awesome post! You are so sweet! Congratulations again. She is absolutely beautiful.

  9. Congratulations to you both, she is a beautiful baby. From Gary, Helen, Kayla & Shannon.
