So you've probably noticed this blog hasn't been update for a long, long time. Yeah, me too. So just so everyone out there stalking knows, everything is the same with the addition of one cute, cuddly nine month old named Carter. The boys are just wrapping up football, Lexi's in dance classes, Cam started Pre-school, and Makayla and Carter keep Mom entertained and frustrated all at the same time.
Heather's a busy girl and that makes blogging hard but if we have time to Facebook, we ought to just write those thoughts here and try to make a memory instead of type some random stuff there and forget what you wrote when others are done agreeing or disagreeing with what you posted. I should probably help do this since I'm not really good at anything else that could help out around here.
We hope all of you are doing well too! Your blogs look fun and exciting. Ours might return to form soon enough but I don't know how to add pictures or anything so be patient with me!!
Until the next time. Toodles and rainbows!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Here it is! The Posse!
Heather asked me to link you up to the video I posted on Youtube of the boys and their friends dancing at the Primary's talent show yesterday. After much work and tribulation, I present The Posse! <-----CLICK HERE!
The boys did a great job only having learned the dance the night before. It was a lot of fun to teach them and watch them get it together! Way to go Posse!
The boys did a great job only having learned the dance the night before. It was a lot of fun to teach them and watch them get it together! Way to go Posse!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
For The Sake of Something Different
I, Paul, am hijacking this blog for today. I am not updating life or schedules or activities. I am only putting something new on the blog so we can move up on your lists of blogs followed. I have a family that is way too busy to blog for themselves. We, the McInnes Family, are doing well. We have had a few birthdays and Valentine's parties. We planted a garden, we have bickering kids at times. This is all. Consider this something different to look at. End transmission..............
Monday, February 1, 2010
Makayla's First Photo Shoot
Yeah I know it's been FOREVER since I did a post. I just wanted to do a real quick one and put up some pictures of Makayla that our friend Ryanne Day did for us. They are so stinkin' cute and I just had to put them on our blog! Enjoy!

Thanks again Ryanne. You did an awesome job! It was a lot of fun!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Makayla's Birth Day
This is very long but I didn't want to miss anything!
Well now it's my turn to post about Makayla's day of birth. It was an amazing day. I was so nervous to go to the hospital. I don't know if I have ever been as nervous with any of the other kids. I'm sure I was mostly nervous because she was breech and I didn't know what the day would bring. We got to the hospital around 7:30 a.m. and Dr. Barton and Dr. Lunt were there ready for us. Dr. Lunt explained everything about the "version" and how it would work. It's a pretty amazing process. I was given some medicine to relax my uterus and then they just pushed down on my stomach and did some fancy manuvers and she plopped down where she needed to be. It didn't hurt. It wasn't comfortable, but not unbearable. It was actually quite amazing! So with her being in the proper position I went from a 1 and thick to a 3 and 50%. So the Docs discussed it and they suggested that we stay and induce labor, but it was our choice. I really didn't want to be done being pregnant. I was so tempted to say "Lets go home!" One look at Paul's face and I knew he would not be the one to take me home! He was done and just wanted a baby to hold. So start the pitocin! One thing I really don't like is being induced, but there we were being bored and anxious. Dr. Barton came in around 2 p.m. and broke my water. I thought for sure I would start to progress quickly and we would have a baby within 2 hours or so. I was SO wrong! I was progressing, but not as fast as I wanted to. My sister-in-law Trini was able to sneek in and be in there with us. She works in Labor and Delivery as a CNA and I wanted so badly for her to be there. I was just hoping it would happen on a day she was working so that she wouldn't have to be sneeky. So as I have mentioned before I love love love nubain! I don't get epidurals. It all started with me not wanting to pay for it with our first child. Plus it's kind of empowering to be able to do it feeling the pain. Nubain is a pain reliever. It takes the edge off of the contractions and it just relaxes me so very good and it just love it. It's the reason I have had so many children! So when the nurse asked if I wanted an epidural I said "No, just give me Nubain!" She then wrote it on our white board so that all could see how I wanted this to happen. I even joked with Dr. Barton and our nurse about how it is a good thing that I don't work at the hospital because they might find me behind closed doors shooting up! So anyways I thought our nurse had a pretty clear picture of all of this. I eventually dialated to a 5 plus and I wasn't really feeling to uncomfortable. Trini told me that I should probably ask for the Nubain because if I get to close my nurse may not give it to me. So Trini went and asked her to give it to me. My nurse then came back in and said, "You are beyond Nubain." I cannot tell you how mad I was. Not only mad, but frustrated and scared. I was scared because I had never done this before without my beloved Nubain and I just didn't know that I could do it. I was mostly upset because at no point did my nurse tell me that I was getting close to the point when she wouldn't give it to me. Not once all day long did she even ask me if I needed any pain medication yet. It still really upsets me that she treated me like that. Seriously I really felt abandoned by her. When a friend of ours found out that I wasn't going to be able to get my drug, she said she wanted to cry for me. Well I did shed a trear or two! Mostly out of frustration! So after this happened I just layed down closed my eyes and started to get focused. Paul and my mom could tell how upset I was just because of the way my mood changed. When I get mad I don't usually rant and rave I just go quiet and deal with it internally. I am SO glad Trini was there. She gave me more attention than my nurse did all day long. Trini pushed on my back and on my knees and tried her best to make me comfortable. It was just awesome how she went into nurse mode and really took care of me! She even taught Paul and my mom what to do. Well I was still laboring when the shift change happened. This is the one good thing about me not getting Nubain. I think my body relaxes faster and moves my labor along better when I am on a high, but since I didn't have it my labor was slower. Thus I got a new nurse! Her name was Nicole and our CNA was our good friend Emily. Between those two and Trini I had the best birthing team ever! When Nicole first came in I asked her if she says no to Nubain also and she said it was just too close and risky for the baby. Nicole has had her children natural, so she knew exactly what I needed! She stayed with me and the three of them took turns pushing on my knees during contractions and rubbing my legs and feet. So we finally got ready to have a baby and they called Dr. Barton. He said he would be there in 7 minutes. Well 7 minutes can feel like an eternity when a baby is right there and ready to come! That's when the pain was incredibly intense! I will not say it didn't hurt because it was unbelievable! The Nubain doesn't take that particular pain away or deaden it in anyway, so it was a familiar pain. I told myself,"You have done this before you can do it again!" Trini had to keep telling my to pant because you can't pant and push at the same time! I've never had to do that before so that was a little wierd. Plus I was wearing this stupid oxygen mask that I have never had to have before, so that was just annoying! Finally Dr. Barton got there! My mom watched the clock and it took exactly 7 minutes. I guess he's done this a time or two! I cannot tell you how happy I was to see him! So at 7:19 our little baby girl entered the world! Remember we didn't know if we were having a boy or girl. We were planning on a boy, but hoping for a girl. Well our dreams came true! The excitement in the room was just awesome and we were SO happy! Paul called Lexi as soon as he could and told her that she had a baby sister. She was so happy she just cried and cried! Paul put it on speaker phone and so then my mom was crying, I was crying, Paul was crying and even Trini was crying! There was alot of pressure on this baby girl! I am so glad that we were able to pull through for Lexi and bring her little sister. Everytime I would go out to Cora's grave and Lexi woud be with me she would ask me, "When is Cora going to come back so that I can have a sister to play with?" Everytime she would say that it just destroyed me. I know how important sisters are because my sisters are just awesome, and I am so blessed to have them in my life. I didn't want Lexi to miss out on that and the odds were that she was going to. So I think at least for me I was just glad that she had a sister and not necessarily that we had another daughter. Lexi was at our friends the Stafford's when she found out she had a sister. Jen told me that when Jen got home from somewhere Lexi ran up the stairs and said, "My sisters a girl!" Then Lexi proceeded to cry. She was SO excited and Jen was so excited to hear it! So anyways Makayla Jo McInnes weighed 7 lbs and 3 oz and 20 inches long. For our family that is SO tiny! Our previous babies had weighted 9-4, 8-12, 8-8, & 9-13. We still can't believe how tiny she is!

The night before Makayla was born. I was so sad that I wouldn't be pregnant anymore. This really was a very easy pregnancy and most likely our last so I was just sad to see it go! I kind of felt a little cheated because we had to make a decision so fast and I just didn't feel ready. Oh well it all worked out!

While we were in the hospital waiting for our baby to be born, we came up with a lot of fun "signs" that meant this baby was a girl. Remember we didn't know what we were having, and we have never know on any of them. So here they are:
There was a picture of 2 girls in our room
4 out of 5 breech babies are girls
Only our girl pregnancies have given us problems. Cora obviously was an issue. Lexi gave me Toxemia and this one was breech among other things.
Lexi was born on a cousins birthday(Austin) with an Aunts birthday(Toni) the next day. This one would be born on a cousins birthday (Ryan) with an Aunts birthday (Trini) the next day.
We couldn't decided on a middle name for a boy. We had the first name Luke picked but we couldn't settle on the middle name. We knew what the name would be if it was a girl. With Lexi we couldn't figure out a middle boy name, but we had a girl name ready to go. When all of our boys have been born we have know exactly what their names would be.
So those were the signs. It was kind of fun to come up with them. Our predictions were right!
Problems this pregnancy gave us that have never been an issue with any other pregnancies:
I spotted a lot more.
Partial placenta previa
Group B Strep
Breech which resulted in a version (the turning process)
Wearing the oxygen mask. I really didn't like that. So glad that I only had to do it with this one!
No Nubain! Did I mention that already. If not I will again. I didn't get my Nubain! DANG!!
This baby was by far our smallest. Excluding Cora of course.
So all in all it was a great day and very exciting! We are incredibly blessed. I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for sending Makayla to us. Even though she has been with us for just a short little while, she has already been such a blessing. The whole family just absolutely loves her. The first question I get asked when they get home from school is "Can I hold Makayla?".
I am so grateful for Paul. He did so good after we came home from the hospital. His job allowed him almost 2 weeks off and I am so grateful for that. He kept the house in order and did homework with the kids. He said all he really did was do laundry and clean the house. Most moms of newborns can tell you that, that is what they need help with the most! I was able to relax and heal and leave it all in his hands. I am a very lucky girl to have him as my partner in crime! We are incredibly blessed that I am able to be home with our 5 children and not have to work. He works SO hard for us and I know I don't tell him that enough. Thank you Paul for all that you do for our family!

Thanks again to Emily Mathews for being there with us also! Thanks for wanting to be there too! I am so glad that Makayla took her sweet time coming so that you could be there! You really did bring a sense of calmness and fun to the room! I know some people might think its weird to have your friends and family see "all" of you in your most undesired moments, but I really did appreciate all the support given to us. I really wish I would have gotten a picture of Makayla with Emily. I clearly wasn't thinking properly!
It was a great day! Thank you for all of the congratulations from people sent in many forms, texts, facebook, calls and visits. We are very blessed to be surrounded by such awesome family and friends!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I know Heather is the blogger in our family but right now, she's not here and I am. I am so happy to announce the arrival of our newest addition, Makayla Jo McInnes. She was born on November 17, 2009 at 7:19 p.m. Both Heather and Makayla are doing so well. Makayla slept ok last night. She was woken up by the nurses around two and couldn't fall to sleep so she cuddled with me until we both dozed back off.
Makayla has a beautiful head full of black hair. She is very inquisitive and looks around a lot. I didn't bring the camera home with me only cell phone pictures but here they are.

Thanks to all for the calls and text messages! Thank you to Aunt Trini who was such a big help in the delivery room. Thanks for risking it to be there! We love you! Thank you also goes to Dr. Scott Barton for being so good to us and all of our children. You are an amazing man and someone we love to be associated with!
The love I have for my sweet Heather is overflowing right now. I am so well pleased with all the choices we have made to be together. I am so grateful to you, Heather, for bringing our children to this world. You are my best friend and the greatest support of my life and always have been. Thank you so much for bringing our sweet little Makayla Jo safely. I love you with all of my heart! Words and actions cannot express my gratitude today.
Makayla has a beautiful head full of black hair. She is very inquisitive and looks around a lot. I didn't bring the camera home with me only cell phone pictures but here they are.

Thanks to all for the calls and text messages! Thank you to Aunt Trini who was such a big help in the delivery room. Thanks for risking it to be there! We love you! Thank you also goes to Dr. Scott Barton for being so good to us and all of our children. You are an amazing man and someone we love to be associated with!
The love I have for my sweet Heather is overflowing right now. I am so well pleased with all the choices we have made to be together. I am so grateful to you, Heather, for bringing our children to this world. You are my best friend and the greatest support of my life and always have been. Thank you so much for bringing our sweet little Makayla Jo safely. I love you with all of my heart! Words and actions cannot express my gratitude today.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Here we go!
So never mind the baby ticker on the side. We only have less than 24 hours left until we have this baby! I am being induced tomorrow! I really can't believe this is happening. Dr. Barton called around 4:00 and told me that Dr. Lunt said he would help us out and try to get this baby turned. So the plan is to turn the baby, break my water and let things happen. Talk about stress! I so didn't plan on having this baby that fast! So I have been frantically been trying to get the house in order, get as much homework done as possible and get stuff ready for the baby. It's been a little crazy. I can't believe tonight is the last night that I will be pregnant. I'm kind of sad about that. I really don't have a problem being pregnant, but this is how it needs to be so I just need to go with the flow! The kids are very very excited. They have been very gitty! So we will keep you posted and let everyone know what happens!
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